Friday, 3 April 2009

Mahananda/Andrew, age 61

Friends of Mahananda/Andrew

It is with regret that I have to publish one last blog on behalf of our mutual friend Andrew Serafinski, also known to some of you as Mahananda. He died on April 2nd in a hospital near his home in London, having suffered a very severe stroke in the small hours of the morning. Many friends from across all six decades of his life were at his bedside when he passed away at 9.20pm, having not regained consciousness all day.

You may well be reading this blog because Andrew met you while travelling. The blogs he wrote while travelling speak for themselves about the kind of person he was and how he saw the world and I can't sum that up here.

He had warm way of connecting, an instant generosity and a kind of love for the world that is hard to describe. You just felt it. If you met him for just one day, you'd likely miss him the next. Before he went travelling he left 50 kilograms of birdfeed for the finches in his garden.

His loss came without warning. A vessel in his brain ruptured and the medicine he takes to thin his blood perhaps meant the damage was extensive and beyond repair. No firm conclusion was drawn as to why it happened.

When he returned from the trip with Joanna and myself across the width of Asia he said he had finished the outer journey and now the inner journey was calling him again. His last six weeks were spent in large part in his garden, planting and clearing for the spring growth and reconnecting with his friends.

Please feel free to leave you messages here. If, however, you would like to contact me personally for any reason I can be reached by email as follows:

Warm wishes


Anonymous said...

I was really shocked by this. I met Mahananda a few times at the LBC, where he used to teach meditation on Monday lunchtimes. I was really looking forward to him returning.

He was a good man.

Anonymous said...

I was so sad to hear of Mahananda's passing. I could hardly believe it. I saw him many times at the LBC while being treated to his warmth during Meditation sessions. Love to him, whereever he is xxx

Anonymous said...

My best friend, who is an order member, knew Mahananda, and talked to me of him frequently. I never did meet him, in the end, and I feel that as a great loss. My condoleances to all his friends and family.

Erin & Sam said...

David, I am speechless - I stopped checking his blog after he returned home, and checked today to see if his future plans had evolved any. Your post stuns me with sadness. We truly enjoyed meeting all of you and you are right, he had an immediacy about him that warmed other peoples' lives, including ours. All our sympathies to you and Joanna and all those who knew him. I am so happy he accomplished his dreamt-for outer journey before he passed and hope that he went in peace.

Erin and Sam

maureen said...

Thankyou for your love and support Mahananda ...Love always Maureen Fyffe.

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info said...

If this is the same Andrew Serafinski that used to teach French at Christ's College, Finchley, in the early '80s, then I must make a comment:
He was a great teacher - very caring & a good man. We will always remember him as such. Rest In Peace, Mr Serafinski..
With love,
Alex Howie xx

iservepharmacy said...

It was indeed a sad day for all of us who followed his life. The important thing is that he is in a much better place now.

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Anonymous said...

Thank you Alex, for commenting here. I'm pleased to have the good fortune to remember him also here, and through such an interesting blog as his.